Friday, November 29, 2019

Heart Of Darkness By Conrad Essays (1063 words) - Congo Free State

Heart Of Darkness By Conrad Heart of Darkness, written by Joseph Conrad, holds thematically a wide range of references to problems of politics, morality and social order. It was written in a period when European exploitation of Africa was at a gruesome height. Conrad uses double oblique narration. A flame narrator reports the story as told by Marlow, assigned to the command of a river steamboat scheduled to transport an exploring expedition. Kurtz is a first-agent at an important trading post of ivory, located in the interior of the Congo. Both Marlow and Kertz found the reality through their work in Africa. Marlow felt great indignation with people in the sepulchral city after his journey to the Congo region because he discovered, through his work, the reality of the universe, such as the great virtue of efficiency, the darkness in society and individuals and the surface reality. When Kurtz found himself on his deathbed and he said gThe horror, The horror referring to his life in inner Africa, which caused him disintegration. Marlow emphasized the virtue of gefficiencyh throughout the story because he thought of it as the only way to survive in the wilderness. After seeing the dying natives in the forest of the outer station, Marlow described them as ginefficient.h Under gthe devotion to efficiency,h incompetent people were excluded from society. Only efficient people can survive. For example, since Kurtz was the most efficient agent, with regards to producing ivory, his employers respected his achievement and regarded him as an essential person. However, once he fell into disintegration, he was considered no more the than dying natives and thus was treated as if he were dead. He was then buried in the darkness. The symbol of inefficiency was the color green. Marlow illustrated a picture of dying natives, when he said, g[They were] black shadows of disease and starvation lying confusedly in the greenish gloomh(20). Another example of inefficiency is shown in the description of the body of Marlowfs predecessor as gThe grass growing through his ribs was tall enough to hide his bonesh(13). Marlow realized the real darkness did not existed in Africa but in Europe, and not in Africans but in Europeans who engaged in colonial exploitation, including Kurtz. Due to the nativesf physical features and customs like cannibalism, Marlow defined Africans as the darkness. On the other hand, he considered Europeans as the light because of his illusions of civilization. After witnessing the evil practices of the colonizers in the Congo, Marlow discovered the moral darkness in whites. European invaders in Africa dehumanized natives under the name of enlightenment for the sake of profit. They practiced no moral laws and inflicted callous and barbaric cruelty on indigenous people. Marlowfs description of the Companyfs offices in Paris revealed his discovery: A narrow and deserted street in deep shadow, high houses, innumerable windows with venetian blinds, a dead silence, grass sprouting between the stones, imposing carriage archways right and left, immense double doors standing ponderously ajarh(13). Moreover, the older woman at the offices was like a gatekeeper of gDarkness.h These descriptions indicated that the real darkness was in greedy whites, who were without moral sense, thus dark-skinned natives were victims of darkness of whites. Through his work in the Congo, Marlow found only gsurface truths,h which had been adulterated and concealed by European culture, not core truths. The reason why gthe meaning of episode [for him is] not inside like a kernel but outsideh(9) was that Marlowfs viewpoint was trapped in these surface truths. He could not touch the inside of the kernel because he did not go deep enough. Furthermore, he just watched and judged things from the outside. Marlow expressed, htruth stripped of its cloak of time c -the man knows and can look on without a wink. But he must meet at least be as much as of a man as these on the shore. He must meet that truth with his own true stuff-with his own inborn strengthh(38). Not only did he have a fear of natives, but also he refused to be like them. Since natives were, for Marlow, savage and mean-spirited fellows, he would not debase himself. Marlow used work as a pretext. Mowever, he acquired gsurface truthsh in the Congo region by handling the steamboat in the gfiendish row.h On the other hand, Kurts went to natives and found the heart of darkness in him, which was the primal reality of a deeper region of his mind. Kurtz brought moral ideas to the wilderness. He said early in his work, gEach station should

Monday, November 25, 2019

Taxation and Lottery for Profligate essays

Taxation and Lottery for Profligate essays The mayor of Profligate is correct in thinking that raising the taxes might exacerbate the city's financial problems, not to mention create new problems, as well. For one thing, the mayor cannot know that the city will make the same amount of money based on previous revenues. Secondly, the mayor knows if taxes go up, consumers are likely to spend less. An increase in sales tax could also result in residents moving out of the city, which would be negative for every segment of the community. For instance, a tax increase would not only burden retail owners and purchasers; it could also cause some retail workers their jobs. Any state tax increase will make an impact on the profits of retailers. Some individuals might lose their jobs and, even worse, retailers operating on marginal profits may be forced to close their businesses. If retailers aren't forced to close, they may still have to lay workers off. These unemployed people are generally people who desperately need jobs just to be able to eat. In addition, those who are laid off tend to spend less money because they have less money. This, in essence, only makes the situation worse. Some argue that raising the sales tax widens the gap between the low and high income. (Schmidt 636) Clearly, raising taxes should be The mayor of Profligate also knows that an additional 7% on top of the taxes that the people are already paying may be too much. He also knows that just because the people voted for it, that does not mean that every single person in the community is in favor of a tax increase. Unbearable taxes result in unhappy voters. Generally, city and state officials who raise taxes are not reelected. In addition, states are limited to how much they can tax. Because of this reason, people and businesses have been known move to a state with less a lower tax rate if their current taxes ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Wal-Mart Competitive Advantages Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Wal-Mart Competitive Advantages - Case Study Example The researcher states that the discounted retail giant Wal-Mart has many of the competitive advantages that have made the company such a market leader for years now. The rural market strategy that the company has undertaken has clearly helped the company to attain increased market share. The other advantage of Wal-Mart has been the age of its stores. In the year 1990, merely 10% of Wal-Mart stores were more than 8 years old whereas K-Mart, the prime competitor of Wal-Mart had 85% of stores aged above 8 years. The distribution capability is another prominent competitive advantage for Wal-Mart. In their distribution system, they have cross-docking, inside out location strategy which is very much helpful to grow their business in overseas. This is one of the cost saving methods and they can easily reach their customer satisfaction level. The workforce culture of Wal-Mart is a customer-oriented strategy which is motivated by monetary contribution as well as belief in the Wal-Mart culture . This tends to move faster in response and flexibility to the changing demand. Strong corporate culture is very much needed to apply this strategy. Wal-Mart pursued to search for technological competitive improvements. Recently, Wal-Mart set up an electronic data exchange with more than 3,600 retailers with the purpose of receiving orders as well as to interact electronically. The plan has been extended with the purpose of developing, forecasting, shipping, and planning. Even though information costs are larger than competitors but the benefits of inventory cost reduction and also increased sales, compensate the cost appreciably as well as serve Wal-Mart with important competitive advantage. The distribution system of Wal-Mart is enormous and too tough to be replicated by the competitors when anybody considers the electronic connection of sales as well as inventory information across the world.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Corporate Goal of Maximizing Shareholder Value Essay - 1

Corporate Goal of Maximizing Shareholder Value - Essay Example Enhancing shareholder value cannot be stretched beyond the limits that start breaching the fundamental requirements of corporate governance. Ireland (1996. pp289) established an empirical generalization that the legal existence of the company and the shareholders are entirely separate. Although acts like Sarbanes Oxley in the United States have made the leadership of the organization (CEO or CFO!!) legally responsible for the accuracy in accounting statements, many countries around the world still lack such acts. Moreover, the act does not make shareholders responsible always because in many companies the shareholders do not sign on accounting statements or manage the company operations. Sundaram and Inkpen (2004. pp353) argue that the shareholder value maximization should be considered after all the liabilities of the corporation has been fulfilled – including incentives of managers, contractual liabilities, payments of dividends, principal & interest payments to bondholders, supplier dues, wages, salaries, etc. The net value addition in shareholder wealth needs to be taken care of after all such liabilities have been fulfilled that can be effectively managed through corporate governance. The shareholder wealth maximization and effective corporate governance are conflicting objectives and hence need to be managed by different individuals to reduce the risk of conflict of interest. The non-shareholding stakeholders should be engaged in corporate governance whereas the shareholders should be engaged in wealth maximization and both parties should have a congenial environment to resolve conflict situations. These roles should be normally fixed in support of the argument by Sundaram and Inkpen (2004. pp355) that the transition from non-shareholding stakeholders to shareholders is easy but vice versa is very difficult.

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Squid and the Whale (2005) directed by Noah Baumbach case Study

The Squid and the Whale (2005) directed by Noah Baumbach conceptualization - Case Study Example There were a lot of emotional changes and the behavior of the family members changed. There was a lot of animosity and anxiety as well as tensions. Whenever there is animosity over a divorce, the family becomes disintegrated and divided. However, this type of stress was managed through various methods that included paying attention to the emotional needs, staying active and fit. The management helped in relieving anger and anxiety and also letting go the problems that were beyond our personal control. The most affected people in the family were the children because we had so much attachment to our parents but on learning that was a planned divorce, attitudes and behavior changed. Another strategy was allowing permission to feel since emotions are normal. Doing things that were emotionally and physically healthy helped us overcome the trauma and experience of divorce. The most important was avoiding making hasty decisions especially after such a traumatizing experience. When the decision came up, we took time to rethink over and over about the consequences. The social systems theory will be appropriate in explaining the divorce to the parents and to the kids as well. The theory postulates that the society is a composition of different systems that are socially brought together.   According to the social systems theory, everything that human beings do, and every emotion human beings experience involves a concept. The concept in the theory is the one of doing things with affiliation to a group of some organization in the society. The structure of today’s family is in nuclear type that is a system within the main society. The children and parents will be guided to understand that the resources they have is because of the structures in the society. Basing on the theory and what the family was undergoing, the theory was applicable in a way to prevent the destruction of the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Benefits and Drawbacks of Divesting Fossil Fuel Company

Benefits and Drawbacks of Divesting Fossil Fuel Company The environmental issues is the main trend that is concerned by most of the organization worldwide. Those concerns spread through the activist group and are affecting financial sector as well. By pressurizing universities endowment fund to divest the fossil fuel companies, the activists urge for the funds to invest responsibly by moving their money out of the non-environmental friendly companies. They aim to indirectly create the new market norms and change the way people perceive those companies which will stigmatized them if they do not adapt to the more innovative and more sustainable ways of doing business. However, the fiduciary duty of the financial professionals is a big issue to be discussed if the fund manager will consider divesting fossil fuel companies on whether there is a conflict on investing responsibly and maximizing profit or not. By the definition of the fiduciary duty, Boatright (2008) explained that A fiduciary duty may be defined as the duty of a person in a position of trust to act solely in the interest of the beneficiary, without gaining any material benefit except with the knowledge and consent of this person. We may need to reinterpret its definition in accordance to the ongoing situation in order to see if we can add the environmental and sustainable elements to this duty without compromising the sole existing definition of the fiduciary duty itself. I have done research on the topics about this, and here are the advantages, disadvantages, and some discussion on the fiduciary duty on divesting from fossil fuel firms. Divesting from fossil fuel companies is likely to yield three main advantages. Firstly, it may encourage the change toward more innovative and sustainable form of fuel. There was a proverb stated that The stone age did not end when we ran out of stones this is to say that when we discover a better form of fossil fuel substitution, it will be no longer the main form of fuel for our world. For example, the development of alternative energy source. By divesting from those companies, we can stimulate them to intensify their research and development in order to move on to more sustainable fuel. After their successful adaptation, those stocks may become attractive for investing responsibly again and we may reinvest in their stocks. Secondly, according to Smith Schools Stranded Assets (2013), we can indirectly influence the market by changing their norms, which is the last stage the activists hope to archive, affecting their ability to finance themselves in both debt and equity. By doing this, all fossil fuel company in the sector will be affected by the wave created by norm changing. This will result in the same way as the first advantage, but on a lot bigger scale, because the market itself is the main force that can directly affect the stock price. Thirdly, the research by Hoepner and Schopohl (2016) shows that there are no difference in terms of risk and return between the portfolio that excluding some sectors of stocks and the traditional portfolio that does not has any constrains. However, the exclusion portfolio in this research only excludes the securities after they are accused of violating the code of ethics. This findings is a very solid reason for divesting fossil fuel companies, as many people believe that these firms can generate higher return for their portfolio. By getting indifferent return, people will be motivated to seek for abnormal return opportunities by moving their money to more innovative firms with higher growth potential. These advantages can benefit the university and the students by signaling to the whole nation that our university would like to take the leading role in tackling with global warming and other environmental issues. This can also potentially use for a marketing purpose of the university, as it may ranked the university up for being seriously concerned about environment and may attract more scholars and academics in this particular area to joining the university. The university may also benefit from the new investment perspective of its endowment fund, as it can gives higher profit if invest properly. This will enhance the ability to fund any new project which will definitely benefit both university and students, the university can provide better facility for learning and the students will be get a more competitive edge from learning in such environment. There are also three disadvantages for divesting from fossil fuel companies. Firstly, the universitys endowment fund cannot heavily affect the shares price of those firms due to the low proportion of the funds holding in this sector. The Stranded Assets by Smith School (2013) shows that the average university endowment fund in the USA hold the fossil fuel companies stocks for about 2% of their fund, and about 4% in the UKs. This proportion cannot significantly affect the stock price even though the funds liquidate all of their portion. Moreover, there may be some players that are willing to immediately buy these stocks after the fund sold their shares, as the price will be attractive for that period of time. Therefore, the university cannot hope to directly impact the market trend solely on this activity. Secondly, such activity may incur additional transaction cost generated by this activity to the fund itself, which may decrease its profit for some period, especially for the University of Reading, which 12.7% of the endowment fund is invested in fossil fuel related companies. If the trustee of the fund could not find any attractive investment opportunity, this movement will do more harm than good, at least in short term, to the fund and the university. Thirdly, to see the significant effect of this divestment, we will have to be patience. The impact on the sector would not be observable within one or two years, the university is likely to suffer from the divestment, again if the fund managers could not find attractive investment alternatives. Moreover, there are no distinct lists of the targeted company that is not environmental responsible to divest, which means that this will increase the marginal cost for the fund to do the research on those fossil fuel companies to divest. I also believe that divestment is not a solution for climate change, as stated in the article Why Fossil Fuel Divestment is a Misguiding Tactic by The Guardian (2015) as this is can be only served as a mean for increasing peoples awareness about the issue and it can be considered only a symbolic act while the real threats to the climate such as deforestation, short-lived greenhouse gas, halocarbon are still exist. These disadvantages will affect the university in terms of the opportunity cost, which comes in the form of less financial supports, as the fund may not yield as what it used to provide. This may result in lower scholarship for students and lower capacity to fund the researches. I also believe that by divesting its holding in fossil fuel companies, the university also give up its right as the owner of the companies which means that the university cannot influence the companies to move into a more sustainable way that may eventually increase the benefits to the shareholders. For the issues about the fiduciary duty of the trustee, as I stated before, the trustee should aim to provide their beneficiary with highest benefit. Therefore, it should hope to maximize the profit of this endowment fund. I completely agree with Drew Fausts Fossil Fuel Divestment Statement to the members of the Harvard Community (2013) on the topic that the universitys endowment fund has a single purpose, to support the academic mission, and it should not be used for any other purposes. To put the fund in any political position is to put the university in a risky position, as the money in the fund are from philanthropists with different view in politics. However, they share the same perspective in funding academic advancement, taking side in this political activity may result in fund withdrawal from the disagreed benefactors. I insist that fossil fuel divestment will breach the fiduciary duty of the endowment funds trustee, the fund must remain politically neutral to secure the risk position of the university and to serve the funds only single purpose. If the fund is going to divest, it should be a strategic adjustment of the portfolio in order to maximizing profit for the university, not for expressing the view on the particular topic in the society. On the other hand, I agree with the activists view about thinking long-term, not through the channel of divesting. Divestment is, in my opinion, meaningless as we still use the fossil fuel in our everyday life, such as our car petrol, our electricity which is produced by fossil fuel or even our home heating system powered by gas. We can act with long-term attitude by implementing a more productive ways such as influencing the current fossil fuel firms as a shareholder to move them to the good direction, fueling the breakthrough research about alternative energy and fuel, funding for innovative architecture and engineering. All of these ways can be originated from a good academic institution, their research, and proper funding is crucial for the growth of the academics. Hence, the trustee should put their best effort in the fund to keep advancing the academic goals. The campaigns should not about the fossil fuel alone, it should aim to tackle all of the problem stated above to be trul y archive the solution to the environmental problems. I believe the conflict in fiduciary duty can be solved by the fund manager try to take part in the fossil fuel company that the fund invested in through voting rights and keep monitor their use of fund through the companys report. The endowment fund should also keep looking for the new investment strategy which involve alternative energies and other responsible firm in a case that those companies could give higher yield than the current fossil fuel firm, then that would create a win-win situation for the fund, the university, and the students. The other good way is forming the new committee to keep reviewing if the fund invest sustainably and responsible, This committee may consist of students from the university and specialized fund manager. This method is already implemented by some leading American university such as Harvard. Finally, I recommend the University of Readings endowment fund not to divest for the stated reasons. I would suggest the fund to keep monitor the company, keep being aware of the situation in the market and use the recommendations stated above. While the environment issues are the important concerns for everyone, one should not focus only on the companies, but should focus also the people. People are the one responsible for the climate change and should be educated about the problem properly, in order to change their mind set to make it become more responsible for their selfish actions that caused climate change. I insist that the interest of the beneficiary is still remains an undisputed duty of the trustee and the fund managers must put their full effort to see it happen. References   Ã‚   Andreas G. F. Hoepner, L. S. (2016). On the Price of Morals in Markets: An Empirical Study of the Swedish AP-funds and the Norwegian Government Pension Fund. Atif Ansar, B. C. (2013). Stranded assets. Oxford: Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford. Faust, D. (2013, October 3). Fossil Fuel Divestment Statement. Retrieved from Harvard University: Hulme, M. (2015, April 17). Why fossil fuel divestment is a misguided tactic. Retrieved from The Guardian:

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Karma Essay -- Spiritual Religion Philosophy Essays

Karma The doctrine of Karma is a spiritual doctrine based on the theory of cause and effect. Although Karma does not exactly fit the definition of supernatural phenomenon it is a spiritual doctrine based on the philosophy that God is not responsible for the happiness or failure of an individual, rather, we as individuals are solely responsible for the consequences of our own behavior. The concept of Karma has two major interpretations; the most common approaches are to the idea of reincarnation, particularly in the West where the idea has almost no existence. In the East, people believe in reincarnation and hold a fatalistic idea of Karma. I favor neither westerner nor easterner extremist approaches to Karma Doctrine. I on the other hand favor only the basic concept of the Karma, since it has gradually inspired me to become a better person. It has motivated me to neglect the satisfaction of my enlarging ego and instead it has encouraged me to take responsibility for my actions; hoping that with this attitude, I might one day achieve peace of body and mind. The West shows almost no interest in the law of Karma. This is due to its strong links to reincarnation. Most westerners refuse to believe in the transmigration of souls. Believing that you could be a human being in one life and an animal in the succeeding life, is a basic idea of reincarnation that some of us refuse to accept. For example, the act of swatting a fly could be perceived as killing a person, perhaps your mother in a past life. I myself have a hard time believing in such occurrence. If in fact westerners show interest in reincarnation, it is only with a skeptical curiosity of knowing who they were in previous lives. In the west, no serious research is done ... ...can deal with his own Karma. It is not until we find the right relationship with each other, with ourselves, nature and with whole of which we are a part, we will go on making bad Karma. Learning about the Karma doctrine has brought nothing but positive effects in my life, it has slowly enhanced my desire to become more spiritual and at peace with everyone and everything around me. "My belief is correct for me-you have to find the belief that is correct for you and it will not necessarily be the same as my belief." Works Cited Ajayi, J.F ADE. "On the politics of Being Mortal" in Verdug, Carol (ed.) Making Contact: Reading from Home and Abroad. Boston: Bedford Books, 1997 Chakravarti, Siddhanta.Karma. Netscape Navigator. Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Reincarnation. Netscape Navigator.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Quality Improvement in Nursing Essay

Answering the call light (also called call bell a handheld like that is attached to the patient room wall, above the headboard of the bed) in a timely manner by the nursing staff in hospital setting is necessary to prevent falls that can harm, prolonged stays, and unnecessarily increase the cost of healthcare. However, researches concerning call light uses as it relates to patient safety, patient-care management and patient satisfaction are limited (Meade et al. 2006). Patients and their families emphasize that nurses should monitor patients constantly and provide assistance and answer a call light in a timely manner (Yoder, 2011). Note that the falls may be caused by several factors such as physiological, psychological and/or environmental-related to each individual patient (Joint Commission, 2005). The nurse initiating this project will focus on the rate of falls related to a delay in response to the call light. The hospital, where the Quality Improvement Project (QIP) is done, uses the Hill-Rom system to operate and record the time it takes to respond to a call light prior to the incident as base for the (QIP). The nurse will identify opportunities to improve the quality of care delivered as well as the response time to a patient’s needs. The nurse working on the project used the study done by (Tzeng & Yi Yin, 2009) as a model to follow. In fact, Tzeng & Yi Yin suggested that the goal of the quality care is to reduce the response time to the call bell to a number that is unlikely to lead to a fall. During their project, the authors explored the contribution of the call bell use rate and the average response time to the fall rate, the injurious fall rate and patient satisfaction scores that occurred in four adult inpatient acute care units (Tzeng & Yi Yin, 2009). Improving the responsiveness to the call light and reducing the fall rate is important for both the safety of the patient and the reputation and success of the organization. Yoder proposed that the patients are becoming more sophisticated and view themselves as â€Å"consumers† who can take their business elsewhere (Yoder, 2011). Since the hospital is a Magnet and applies the shared governance model, there is an organizational structure for nursing quality that can facilitate the project. In fact, each unit has a designated staff member for the Unit’s Council Quality Champion (UCQC). This unit representative functions as a quality improvement resource for the unit council, and performs unit-based monitoring and analysis as well as collaborating with unit staff members on improvement plans. This allows for an opportunity to network and share best practice (MLHS, 2010). The nurse handling the project can set up a meeting with the UCQC, and ask for input from other members such as patient care manager (leadership in implementing changes), physicians (after assessing the patient, leaving the bed in high position), housekeeping (placing caution signs on a wet floor), pharmacy (flagging medications that can contribute to falls such as sedatives, hypnotics, beta blockers), and dietary service (placing trays within the reach of the patient). The multidisciplinary team allows for a better planning approach to the subject and prevents malpractice (Yoder, 2011) The information recorded from the patient room call light system was used in this study. The rate of inpatient falls, which have long been perceived as a nursing-sensitive quality indicator, is defined as the rate at which patients fall during their hospital stay per 1000 patient-days (American Nurses Association, in Tzeng & Yi Yin, 2009). As the nurse working on the QIP a notification to the institutional review board will be sent if further approvable are necessary. The only statistical data the nurse could obtain from the manager are related to the numbers of falls per 1000 patient days with injury. The data gives us information about the rate of falls in reference to the average rate of falls in the hospital. In this unit there is awareness at the managerial level that the longer the call light is on the higher the incidence of fall is. If there is a fall with injury, the manager has the ability to go back and check how long the call light was on prior to a fall. However, this information is not used to prevent and emphasize the relationship between the length of time a call light is on and the rate of fall. Most nurses and patient care technicians are not aware that the manager can back-track the call light and find out this information. To measure the rate of falls to the length of time a call light is answered, the nurse working on the project choose the histogram. This illustrates the length of time in the Y axis and the rate of falls in the X axis during the period of study (time frame). The histogram itself will include a control group, average answers, and delay answers to call light. This example was imported and modified from a previous study done comparing the numbers of call lights and nursing rounds by (Meade et al. 2006). A realistic goal of this study is to reduce the fall related to a delay in answering the call light to less than the standard national data base that can be found in National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI). The nurse will be able to compare the data obtained on the unit to similar hospital units by referencing (benchmarking) to the national data from NDNQI. There will be a follow up study and gradual modification of the plan in order to achieve the outcome. The team has to set measurable outcomes and quality indicators. According to Yoder, the goal of quality improvement necessitates a standard of practice and a measurable patient-care outcome or nursing-sensitive outcome (Yoder, 2011). Yoder signaled that the quality management stresses improving the system rather than assigning blame to employees (Yoder, 2011). Thus, communication is a very important step and strategies in the discussion. It allows both the manager and followers to see the appropriate changes needed without appointing blames. The results of the project can be shared with other floors, included in the computer based training, or presented by nursing leaders during in-service with the staff. Posters could be used to illustrate the importance of the response time to patient’s call light. In recent years some hospitals have initiated hourly rounds to reduce the noise and interruptions caused by unnecessary call lights. (Meade et al. 2006). Meade concluded that with one-hour rounds, there was a significant reduction in the number of falls that occurred on the units. Others tools used in the hospital to prevent falls are yellow bracelet, non slip red socks, and yellow sticker placed on the chart.   As the plan is implemented the team continues to gather and evaluate data to document and compare in order to find out if the outcomes are being met. Revisions are performed if new problems arise during the implementation of the project and a time frame is set during the realization of the project. In conclusion this QIP can be implemented on the floor by educating the staff about high costs that result from a fall, specifically ones leading to injuries or even death. Also, as patient’s advocates the nurse has to work on securing the patient safety by responding to their needs and reducing the call light response time. Nursing staff must recognize that call lights are legitimate ways for patients to test the responsiveness of the hospital system regarding their needs (Deitrick et al. 2006). References ————————————————- Deitrick L, Bokovoy J, Stern G & Panik A (2006) Dance of the call bells: using ethnography to ————————————————- evaluate patient satisfaction with quality of care. Journal of Nursing Care Quality 12, ————————————————- 316–324. Retrieved from CINAHL with Full Text database ————————————————- Joint Commission (2005). Defining the problem of falls. In Reducing the Risk of Falls in Your ————————————————- Health Care Organization (Smith IJ, ed.). Joint Commission, Oakbrook Terrace, IL, pp. ————————————————- 13–27. ————————————————- Meade CM, Bursell AL & Ketelsen L (2006) Effects of nursing rounds on patients’ call light use, ————————————————- satisfaction and safety. American Journal of Nursing 106, 58–70. ————————————————- MLHS (2010). ————————————————- Tzeng H; Yin C. (2009). Relationship between call light use and response time and inpatient falls ————————————————- in Acute care settings. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 18(23): 3333-41 Retrieved from ————————————————- CINAHL with Full Text database ————————————————- Yoder-Wise, P. (2011). Leading and managing in nursing. St. Louis, MO: Mosby ————————————————-

Friday, November 8, 2019

Cohen Vs Virginia Essays - Supreme Court, U.S. State, Free Essays

Cohen Vs Virginia Essays - Supreme Court, U.S. State, Free Essays Cohen Vs Virginia is Cohens vs. Virginia, in which the question arose as to the right of the Supreme Court to exercise its appellate jurisdiction over the judgment of a state court involving the validity of state legislation. The contention of the counsel for the state struck at the very root of the judicial system of the Union, with its authority to review state decisions which involved the binding effect of the Federal Constitution and laws: and so to the discussion of this fundamental question Marshall brought his heaviest artillery. In a series of powerful paragraphs he proclaimed the principle of nationalism and the existence of a real union resting on the will and determination of the people: That the United States, he said, from, for many, and for most important purposes, a single nation, has not yet been denied. In war, we are one people. In making peace, we are one people. In all commercial regulations, we are one and the same people. In many other respects, the American people are one; and the government which is alone capable of controlling and managing their interests in all these respects, is the government of the Union. It is their government, and in that character they have no other. America has chosen to be, in many respects, and to many purposes, a nation; and for all these purposes, her government is complete; to all these objects, it is competent. These words give us some idea of the simplicity of the style, the evidence of power and confidence, the eloquence which can raise a judicial opinion into the realm of literature. This decision, emphatically maintaining the appellate authority of the Court and the supremacy of the national law when the law is consonant with the Constitution, left no further ground for legal discussion, though the men of Virginia, fretting under the authority of the Court, poured out their wrath in many word

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Marketing Plan Bay Health Food Company

Marketing Plan Bay Health Food Company Introduction One of the essential elements of a business plan is a marketing plan. An effective marketing plan for a business requires an intelligently considered base, upon which a business gets to penetrate its target market with ease.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Plan: Bay Health Food Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Through a marketing plan, a business gets to outline all its marketing strategies and efforts. Two cardinal elements that define the function and effectiveness of a business plan are strategy and procedure. A marketing plan also entails identifying and explaining the opinionated, monetary, shared, scientific, and intellectual environments that will support a business. In addition, a marketing plan also develops a SWOT analysis for a business by identifying the strengths and weaknesses presented by the internal business environment, as well as identifying opportunities and threats to a business from the external environment. Bay Health Food Company is a business operating under five different environments, which present their own unique threats towards the actualization of its corporate goals. Threats Threats in this context refer to something that has an intention or ability to inflict harm on a business. Threats to a business come from the external environment. For the case of Bay Health Food Company, there are numerous threats posed by the five environments that support its operations. The first threat is high competition from existing food markets. Many supermarkets in Canada are currently rebranding, as a response to the dynamic nature of food market in the country. This will likely pose a huge threat to the marketing strategies and efforts of the business due to high competition for market leadership and customers. Most food markets in Canada have a high matching percentage on the products sold, thus the need for Bay Health Food to identify those threat s and eliminate them. The second threat is the current economic situation in Canada. Canada’s economic performance is quite poor, and the government has been implementing numerous policies to help boost the economy. Such policies are likely to pose a huge threat to the businesses marketing plans due to limitations on the scope of operations, and high cost of operations. Lack of economic regulations on businesses can easily crumble down a country’s economy, thus the move by the government to regulate how business conduct their activities and the valuing system used on various products.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The third threat to the business is ignorance by Canada’s population about organic foods and their numerous benefits. Most of the foods sold by Bay Health Food Company are organic. The fact that most consumers in Canada prefer to co nsume natural foods despite their high costs, may pose a huge threat to the anticipated success of the company in the market. It is very hard to convince people to change their culinary culture, especially if it has a connection to their national culture. The company may also experience a hard time making any reasonable impact in Canada’s food market due to government regulations on organic foods. Government regulations often pose huge threats to marketing activities of a business, as they can change anytime and a business will be required to conform to regulation touching on their businesses. This often creates a need to reorient prior plans in order to align them with new regulations. Other possible threats include high cost of operation and the unpredictable nature of customer needs in Canada. Conclusion Because all the five environments supporting the business will keep changing, it is important to revise all marketing strategies on a quarterly basis. Although it may incr ease the cost of operating the business, it is important for a business to achieve and maintain its leadership in the highly competitive Canadian market. The purpose of the regular revisions is to identify and eliminate emerging threats that can cripple business activities.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Media - Essay Example The research study conducted by the major professional organizations of United States has uncovered several important and eye-opening facts about the effects of marketing valance upon the children. The report has been prepared by American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association and the American Psychological Association in which these professional organizations have claimed that the entertainment industry uses to intentionally market valance to the children and consequently the children have to face the deleterious and harmful effects of entertainment violence (Wilson, 2002). The marketing of violence to the children is not something new but the trend was initiated in 1984 when the marketing companies found that due to the deregulation of television by the Federal Communication Commission they have the open opportunity to directly market the toys and other products to the children through the medium of TV programs. The children programs also became commercialized and in turn the children also became an important growing consumer group strongly exploited by the media commercials (Huston, 1992). Along with the time, the essence of commercialism increased within the TV programs and children were offered with the toys directly replicas of the TV programs. The video games, movies and fighting cartoons became popular among the children and the media and toy manufacturing industry joined hands for marketing violence to the children through the toys, games and programs. The trend had very strong impacts upon the psychology and behaviours of the children. The parents mostly reported that they observe gradual change in the attitude of their children and now the children are mostly found more inclined towards violent programs. The nature and behaviour of the children has also changed a lot in the wake of violence marketing by the entertainment industry and the parents commonly complain about the increasing levels of aggression among their children (Huesman n, 2007). The children tend to be more vulnerable to the harmful effects of media violence because they could not understand the world like adults and soon believe whatever they see on the television programs and cartoons. The children don’t have the mental capabilities to think logically about the actions seen on the TV and they give attention towards the things they appear on the screen without realizing the difference between real and drama. The exposure to the violent act also makes them scared and at the same time they also strived to attempt the same things in their real lives as they see on TV. The excitement and power of the entertainment media limit their thoughts and they became addict of violent entertainment soon after having exposure of such programs (Wilson, 2002). The violence marketed through media has an obvious impact upon the personalities of the children and it changed the way they interact with the world and people around them. Since the children learn a lot from their play and other entertainment activities so the media violence also changes their attitude and social behaviours. They learn to attach others and through things upon them in order to show their power and strength to the world. They tend to

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Lottery Shirley Jackson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Lottery Shirley Jackson - Essay Example The people are all speculating on who is likely to win the draw. When one of them, Tessie, picks the paper with the black mark on it she protests that the draw has been unfair. The people ignore her and eventually hurl stones at her. ‘The Lottery’ tells of the evil that exists within all people, even those that look harmless. The people in the town have continued to practice the ancient tradition of the lottery despite the lack of knowledge of the original purpose of the ceremony (Murphy 105). This tradition is practiced with the knowledge that at the end of the draw, a person will be chosen at random to be stoned to death. The person’s friends and family are expected to participate in the act. The event has been compared to other practices such as Halloween, showing that it is acceptable to the members of that community. The willingness to participate in such an event shows the evil present in the people. The people from the town are reflective of man’s need and desire for a scapegoat, an object or person through whom they can release their frustrations. This is the object or person through whom they are able to project their undesirable characters. Such an object can then be destroyed by being offered as a sacrifice, or through some ritualistic act. The fact that the killing of a person at the end of the lottery draw has been turned into a ritual makes the act of killing someone (murder) acceptable to people who otherwise appear normal and religious. The turning of the practice into a ritual masks the evil and brutality of the act. The choice of characters and their names advance the main idea in the story. The characters are given ordinary names and live ordinary lives. This is suggestive of harmlessness and morally upright way of life. The fact that they all take part in the annual ritual of stoning one of their own to death suggests that one would have been wrong to judge them on the appearance of normalcy that they have. They are